The second act,В in presenceВ and with a limitedВ numberВ , is intended above all to be an opportunity forВ networkingВ : it starts from the December conference and anticipates the themes of the 2023В conferenceВ . ongoing transition towards concretely sustainable business models.В This year, we are also expanding the debate to supply chains other than the Italian one, with the confirmed presence ofВ ZDHCВ (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) andВ Textile ExchangeВ and the unprecedented participation ofВ BGMEAВ (Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association).
Among the other speakers and panelists expected in Florence, Brachi Testing Services, Consorzio Promozione Filati, Gruppo Florence, HUGO BOSS, Renoon, Successori Reda, The ID Factory, Matteo Marzotto, Anna Maria Tartaglia, Matteo Ward …
Check out Liesl Truscott, Corporate Benchmarking Director, as a speaker for this event!