What is it?
World Circular Textiles Day, which takes place every year on 8th October, has been launched to celebrate the efforts of a growing community of companies, organizations and individuals actively working towards a circular textiles future.
It is a living, breathing time capsule to record the progress and chart the momentum of circularity in textiles. An ever-evolving roadmap towards full circularity by 2050, created to:
- Raise awareness around achieving a circular textiles world by 2050, across industry and with the wider general public.
- Cultivate an online umbrella to capture the growing community of companies, organizations, academia, government agencies, cities and individuals actively working towards this future and to amplify these efforts.
- Build a framework for a collaborative roadmap to be developed and revised over the next 30 years, until the vision is achieved.

Our members get access to even more.
We provide our community with member-only events, extra resources, and the opportunity to test out our tools so that they can help us establish industry best practices and push for progress.