How is Textile Exchange approaching recognition of materials certified under another scheme? Will there be new fibers and materials in the Standard in the future?
The primary goal for the Materials Matter Standard is to harmonize our existing standards into a more unified standard system to align with the Climate+ goal. Additionally, we are looking at other key fibers and materials that connect to our GHG reduction goals.
The materials proposed for the scope of the Materials Matter Standard at Tier 4 include:
· Animal fibers and materials: Sheep wool, Mohair, Alpaca, Down, and Skins
· Recycled: Synthetics, Natural materials, Recycled MMCF
For our other strategic raw materials, our objective is to work through partnerships with organizations managing raw material sustainability systems to reduce duplication in certification processes and merge efforts on shared climate and nature goals. Consequently, some of the materials proposed for inclusion within the scope of the Materials Matter Standard will be added through the recognition of external standards rather than through direct Textile Exchange raw material certification. These materials are:
· Animal fibers and materials: Cashmere
· Fiber crops: Cotton
· Plant/Forest Derived: MMCF, Biosynthetics