I’m interested in your Organic Cotton Round Table. Can you tell me more about it?
The Organic Cotton Round Table (OCRT) is a global stakeholder platform that supports and brings together the organic cotton community to be inspired, mobilized, and equipped to act.
Launched in 2012 with a call to action prompted by a decline in organic cotton production despite a growing demand, the OCRT quickly became the place and space for stakeholders to get together to hear more about issues facing the organic cotton sector, to diagnose these issues and, most importantly, find ways to take action.
After a number of years of approaching barriers to growth in organic cotton at the global level, the need to customize strategies at the regional level become increasingly apparent. As a result, the Regional OCRT was born in 2017 and a number of region-specific meetings are held each year, for example in Turkey, Burkina Faso and China.
To find out more, visit the OCRT webpage. You may also like to explore our microsite dedicated to organic cotton; http://aboutorganiccotton.org/.