Is the use of Trackit mandatory for certified companies?
As a certified company, the scope certificate data which you submit to certification body will be reported to Trackit. For transactions, there are two options:
dTrackit: If you choose to continue using transaction certificates, then the transaction certificate data that you submit to certification body, will be reported to dTrackit. There is no need to directly interact with dTrackit.
eTrackit: Alternatively, you may opt to upload your scope certificates, register sites, and carry out eTransactions in eTrackit. Commercial use of eTrackit Recycled Claim Standard and Global Recycled Standard is now live and is expected to be available for OCS and RAF in 2024 after the pilot completion. RDS is the next expected standard to be piloted for eTrackit in 2024.
It is important to note that any inputs purchased in transaction certificates must be sold using transaction certificates, and any inputs purchased in eTransactions must be sold using eTransactions. Input from one model cannot be used as input for the other.