Leather Standard

We recognize standards that are already in use by the industry.

Our standards benchmark for leather production outlines a set of minimum environmental and social requirements that existing standards and certification schemes must guarantee. Suppliers need to be certified to a standard that meets these requirements to be a part of the Leather Impact Accelerator.

leather material.

We compare environmental and social criteria.

The Leather Production Environmental Standards Benchmark

The environmental standards benchmark assesses standards and certification criteria across multiple environmental and chemical management challenges, from energy consumption to water usage and waste management.

Leather Production Social Standards Benchmark

The Leather Production Social Standards Benchmark assesses standards and certification criteria that address social challenges including human rights, working conditions, business ethics, and more.


The benchmark gives brands confidence that our environmental and social minimums are being met.

All standards and certifications that are approved by the Leather Impact Accelerator have been assessed by a third party to confirm that they meet our benchmark. This means that brands can be confident that the farm is respecting the minimum level of best practices established by the LIA, regardless of which standard they’re using.

Cows grazing.

Our standards benchmarks add value for everyone.

Leather production supply chain

Leather suppliers can use the benchmark to select a certification program and start a discussion with standards holders when it comes to reviewing and amending standards.

Brands and retailers

Brands and retailers can use the benchmark to choose suppliers or producers certified to an approved standard.

Standards and certification programs

Standard and certification program owners can use the benchmark to see how their criteria measure up to others in the industry and understand the expectations of brands and retailers. Standard owners can apply for a benchmark assessment through the LIA Benchmark Approval Process or the SCCI Benchmarking Process.

leather material.

Learn more about leather

Read about the sustainability challenges that come with leather production, the opportunities to overcome them, and the steps you can start taking to reduce your impact.