The Content Claim Standard is open for public feedback

Notification of upcoming revision to the Content Claim Standard (CCS)

Textile Exchange is planning a revision to the CCS and the process begins with a request for feedback on the current version (V3.1). 


Textile Exchange is committed to building credible, internationally-recognized standards that are developed and periodically revised through a transparent process that includes multi-stakeholder input. As a member of ISEAL, we comply with three credibility Codes of Good Practice which underpin our policies and procedures for organizational functions like standard-setting through a theory of change with desired outcomes, assurance oversight mechanisms, and a system for monitoring, evaluation, and learning. These practices ensure we provide value, rigor, accessibility, and transparency in our standards.  


The goal of Textile Exchange’s CCS is to ensure the accuracy of content claims for certified materials as they move through the supply chain. It provides a strong chain of custody system from the source to the final product based on applicable site evaluations and certificates issued by an accredited third-party certification body. It requires that each organization along the supply chain take sufficient steps to ensure that the integrity and identity of the input material is verified. The CCS serves as the chain of custody foundation for certified materials from Textile Exchange’s existing standards. It is a globally-applicable standard used across the supply chain, from traders/distributors, manufacturers, and applicable brands. Additional stakeholders interacting with the CCS include retailers, certification bodies, and organizations supporting specific raw material initiatives.  


Textile Exchange commits to reviewing its suite of standards at least every five years, ensuring their ongoing relevance.  The last revision to the CCS was initially published on July 1, 2021, with a minor revision to version 3.1 enacted on June 9, 2022. As part of the development of the Materials Matter Standard (MMS), a revision to the Content Claim Standard is planned to maintain alignment and effectiveness with Textile Exchange’s most current suite of standards. Among the potential topics to harmonize the Content Claim Standard with the future Materials Matter Standard is a review of criteria that connect to the separate Transaction Certificate Policy.  A review of the brand certification requirements is planned as well. 

CCS revision timeline 

In July 2024, Textile Exchange is launching a revision of the CCS through a request for public feedback as the initial step. Drafting of criteria will include input through an International Working Group (IWG) as well as a draft standard public consultation. Dates for the phases of development are being reviewed but will be taking place through 2024-2025 with 2026 as the earliest timeframe for finalization of the new version.  

How to Participate 

Textile Exchange is leading this revision process. The public will have multiple opportunities to provide feedback throughout the revision process.  

Between July 15 and September 30, 2024 you can share your feedback on the existing CCS 3.1 via this form here

If you would like to participate in the revision process as a member of the IWG, please email your resume indicating your interest as well as a brief statement of interest that includes a summary of your expertise that will support this CCS revision to 

Any questions or comments can be directed to
