The Leather Round Table brings together stakeholders from the leather industry and beyond.

The Leather Round Table is helping to build a global fashion and textile industry that protects and restores the environment, reduces its climate impact, and improves lives. It brings together stakeholders from all parts of the leather industry and its neighboring industries to accelerate the adoption of practices leading to a measurable reduction of carbon emissions, better animal welfare, and fair treatment of workers.
In 2021, two industry tools, the Leather Impact Accelerator (LIA) and Impact Incentives, became available to the industry thanks to the engagement and contributions of the Leather Round Table community.
We’re promoting industry action towards holistic sustainability goals.

Our focus is on farm-level impacts.
We’re focusing on the bovine leather supply chain from farm to finished leather, with an emphasis on the impacts at the farm level.

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Find out more about leather production
Read about the sustainability challenges that come with leather production, the opportunities to overcome them, and the steps you can start taking to reduce your impact.