The Organic Cotton Round Table is a space for all organic cotton stakeholders to come together.

Organic cotton can drive meaningful change in the fashion and textile industry. But without a central structure to support the community, it’s difficult to scale it at the rate needed.
Our Organic Cotton Round Table is a space for all organic cotton stakeholders—from producer groups to brands and retailers—to come together, share information, and come up with ways to tackle challenges in the organic cotton sector. The OCRT also includes regional platforms that connect experts, organizations, farmers, and brands to address region-specific barriers to growth.
We’re helping the organic cotton sector to flourish.

Our focus ranges from farm to finished product
We cover the organic cotton supply chain from farm to finished product, with an emphasis on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and improving soil health, water management, and biodiversity by driving the adoption of more sustainable farming practices.

Discover previous round table discussions

Organic Cotton’s Path to Maturity Bambou Bihoun, the President of the UNPCB, talks about the challenges and risks specific to organic production. In his (…)
Organic Fairtrade Cotton Coalition Tobias Meier, Senior Project Manager Green (…)
OC as a Tool for Development Pascal Rouamba is a Regional Adviser at the (…)

Find out more about cotton production
Read about the sustainability challenges that come with conventional cotton production, the opportunities to overcome them, and the steps you can start taking to reduce your impact.