Register for a Textile Exchange ID
Effective January 1, 2024, all organizations seeking certification, re–certification, or wishing to add/update facilities to a valid scope certificate must register with Textile Exchange. Certification bodies will not be able to issue scope or transaction certificates without the organization’s and corresponding site/facility TE-ID/s.
The registration process provides us with your organization’s facility names and addresses, allowing unique Textile Exchange IDs (TE-ID) to be assigned. It is also a way for you to provide contact information that we will use to keep you updated on our standards.

Find out more about the TE-ID and learn how to register
What is the TE-ID?
A TE-ID is a unique identifier for a facility in Textile Exchange’s database. It is assigned to every facility and remains consistent even if certification bodies are changed. It does not indicate certification status, which is only confirmed by a valid scope certificate.
Who needs to register?
All organizations seeking certification, re-certification, or wishing to add/update facilities to a valid scope certificate must register with Textile Exchange.
Each organization must register itself and all the facilities it covers under a certification scope. This applies even if your organization operates as a facility under a different scope certificate.
If your organization holds multiple scope certificates, you only need to register once and include all the associated facilities from across those certificates in a single registration.
Why is TE-ID important?
In the development of Trackit, Textile Exchange’s central repository for certification data, it became clear that the existing identifiers were not conducive to supporting a large-scale and accurate system. The new TE-IDs, which were defined in consultation with internal and external stakeholders, will underpin all of our digital systems.
This process allows Textile Exchange to consolidate an organization’s certification information across certification bodies, preserve a site’s certification history if a CB is transferred, enable the traceability of transaction certificates, and include a representative’s contact to keep companies updated with our standard systems.
Additionally, TE-ID will enable a more efficient and effective claims and labeling process and provide certified organizations access to their own certification data.
What are the steps for registering?
If you are an organization seeking certification or recertification and have not registered before, follow the steps below, click Register your organization.
Registration is a four-step process:
- Provide your organization’s name and contact and agree to the terms and conditions.
- Find your organization in our database or provide your organization’s address.
- Provide additional organizational details.
- Register the facilities covered by your organization’s certification.
If you have already registered and are just looking to add or update facility on your existing scope certificate, click “Add or update facility.”
Once you are done, the Textile Exchange team will review your submission. An email with your confirmation and a unique TE-ID will be sent within 14 calendar days. Your certification body will then be able to issue or update your scope certificate.
When can I register for my TE-ID?
Organizations pursuing initial certification may register for their TE-ID after contracting with and obtaining client code/license number from their certification body. Organizations rectifying may register for their TE-ID at any time before the issuance of their scope certificate for the next validity period.
Do I need to register my subcontractors for a TE-ID?
Organizations are required to register their associated subcontractors for TE-IDs. Independently certified subcontractors are required to register themselves.
What do I need to do if I want to add a new site?
If your organization has not been registered, you must first register your organization and all the facilities it covers under its certification scope, along with the new facility.
If your organization is already registered, click “Add or update facilities” to add your new facility.