We bring the industry together all year round.
Throughout the year, we bring the industry together through our webinars, round tables, and other events. We also host our own annual Textile Exchange Conference, where we give an overview of the fashion and textile industry's progress towards a more climate-friendly future.
SAC Manufacturer Forum: Bangalore
Get ready to ignite positive change at the Manufacturer Forum: Bangalore, scheduled for December 4, 2023 in India. The Sustainable Apparel Coalition invites you to be a Catalyst for Change as we delve into the pivotal role manufacturers play in shaping the future of sustainability.
Ask Me Anything – 2023 Materials Benchmark Results – Session 1 (10:30 AM CET)
In addition to the 'Results of the 2023 Materials Benchmark Webinar' taking place on November 28, 2023, the Materials Benchmark team invites companies to join this Ask-Me-Anything- 2023 Materials Benchmark results edition. During this session, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions related to the 2023 Benchmark results (e.g., Confidential Scorecard, Materials Change […]
Ask Me Anything – 2023 Materials Benchmark Results – Session 2 (4:00 PM CET)
In addition to the 'Results of the 2023 Materials Benchmark Webinar' taking place on November 28, 2023, the Materials Benchmark team invites companies to join this Ask-Me-Anything- 2023 Materials Benchmark results edition. During this session, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions related to the 2023 Benchmark results (e.g., Confidential Scorecard, Materials Change […]
Recycled Polyester Round Table: Policy and ESPR
The Recycled Polyester Round Table: Policy and ESPR will take place on December 5th at 9:00 AM MST/11:00 AM EST/5:00 PM CET. To receive an invite to this meeting and updates on the work of this round table please make sure that you are registered as a round table participant, and that you have opted in […]
eTrackit Commercial Rollout – Demo & Drop-In #1
Based on the upcoming commercial rollout of eTrackit, we have decided to organize a series of drop-in events to address stakeholder questions. The purpose of these sessions is to demonstrate the eTrackit workflow on the TextileGenesis plaform. We will spend time talking through the specific eligibility requirements for using eTrackit and the resources Textile Exchange […]
Recycled Polyester Round Table
The Recycled Polyester round table has a meeting scheduled on December 11th at 9:00 AM CET OR 9:00 AM MST/11:00 AM EST/5:00 PM CET. To receive an invite to this meeting and updates on the work of this round table please make sure that you are registered as a round table participant, and that you have […]
eTrackit Commerical Rollout – Demo & Drop-In #2
Based on the upcoming commercial rollout of eTrackit, we have decided to organize a series of drop-in events to address stakeholder questions. The purpose of these sessions is to demonstrate the eTrackit workflow on the TextileGenesis plaform. We will spend time talking through the specific eligibility requirements for using eTrackit and the resources Textile Exchange […]
MMCF Round Table Meeting
The Q4 MMCF Round Table meeting is scheduled for December 12th at 8 am PST / 11 am EST / 5 pm CET. To receive an invite to this meeting and updates on the work of this round table please make sure that you are registered as a round table participant, and that you have opted in […]
Sustainable Cotton & Organic Cotton Round Table Meeting
The Q4 Sustainable Cotton & Organic Cotton Round Table meeting will take place on December 13th at 9am ET/ 2pm GMT/ 3 pm CET. To receive an invite to this meeting and updates on the work of this round table please make sure that you are registered as a round table participant, and that you have […]
Biosynthetics Round Table
The Biosynthetics round table has a meeting scheduled on December 14th at 9:00 AM MST/11:00 AM EST/4:00 PM GMT/5:00 PM CET. To receive an invite to this meeting and updates on the work of this round table please make sure that you are registered as a round table participant, and that you have opted in […]
eTrackit Commerical Rollout – Demo & Drop-In #3
Based on the upcoming commercial rollout of eTrackit, we have decided to organize a series of drop-in events to address stakeholder questions. The purpose of these sessions is to demonstrate the eTrackit workflow on the TextileGenesis plaform. We will spend time talking through the specific eligibility requirements for using eTrackit and the resources Textile Exchange […]
eTrackit Commerical Rollout – Demo & Drop-In #4
Based on the upcoming commercial rollout of eTrackit, we have decided to organize a series of drop-in events to address stakeholder questions. The purpose of these sessions is to demonstrate the eTrackit workflow on the TextileGenesis plaform. We will spend time talking through the specific eligibility requirements for using eTrackit and the resources Textile Exchange […]
RSB Innovations Meeting, in partnership with P&G
Policy & Practice for Sustainable Feedstocks & Landscapes This full-day event will invite regional and global transition leaders to dig into the role of policy in helping the growth of a sustainable biocircular economy and the ways in which positive impacts can be incentivised. They will explore the interdependence of sectors – from aviation to […]
Animal Fibers Round Table
The Animal Fibers round table has a meeting scheduled on February 13th. To receive an invite to this meeting and updates on the work of this round table please make sure that you are registered as a round table participant, and that you have opted in to receiving all communication.