We bring the industry together all year round.
Throughout the year, we bring the industry together through our webinars, round tables, and other events. We also host our own annual Textile Exchange Conference, where we give an overview of the fashion and textile industry's progress towards a more climate-friendly future.
2021 Textile Sustainability Conference
The 2021 Textile Sustainability Conference offers an unparalleled opportunity to EXPLORE emerging trends and opportunities in sustainability, CONNECT with a diverse group of change-makers from around the globe and LEARN from expert's on today's most pressing sustainability topics. We expect more than 1,000 textile and apparel sustainability professionals to attend #TextileExchange21 from all over the world. Virtual option will also be made available for those […]
Webinar: Responding to the recent pressures on deforestation-free leather sourcing. Joint Textile Exchange and Leather
To Participate-be sure to Register Here! Stopping deforestation is one of the most critical responses to Climate Change and biodiversity loss. In the past weeks, focus has been given to the urgency for the industry to address deforestation in the leather supply chain. The EU's Proposal for a regulation on deforestation-free products and STAND.earth's publication […]
Recycled Polyester Round Table Monthly Meeting
Description: To request an invite, please register to join the Recycled Polyester Round TableВ via this link. 10am EST/ 3pm GMT/ 4pm CET
3 Edition SICOT 2022
To further stimulate the transformation of cotton on African soil, Burkina Faso is organizing the 3rd edition of the International Cotton and Textile Fair (SICOT), from January 27 to 28, 2022, in Koudougou (100 km from the capital). An essential platform for discussion and reflection, the show will bring together professionals from the entire value […]
Première Vision Paris
The Concept Fill up on inspiration at Première Vision Paris! A biannual rendez-vous for creative fashion professionals,В PremiГЁre Vision ParisВ is a unique event designed to facilitate your sourcing and fuel your creativity withВ a complete panorama of raw materials and specific services. From yarns to manufacturing, fabrics, leathers, designs, colors and accessories, you'll find everything you need […]
2022 WM Sustainability Forum
You're Invited to Our Virtual Event Together, We Can Make a Difference Feb 9, 2022 9am - 12:30pm PT/ 11am - 2:30pm CST/ 12pm - 3:30pm ESTВ WM's event will feature compelling conversations around emerging technologies, social impact, circularity and more. Join us as we create a sustainable tomorrow.
Webinar: Exploring the Textile Exchange Regenerative Agriculture Landscape Analysis Report
To Participate-be sure to Register Here! With regenerative agriculture fast gaining momentum in the fashion and textile industry, brands don't have the luxury of a one-size-fits-all set of practices or solutions to implement. The concept is nuanced, so how can they make concrete investments in regenerative projects? Textile Exchange's latest report, the Regenerative Agriculture Landscape […]
Recycled Polyester Round Table Monthly Meeting
To request an invite, please register to join the Recycled Polyester Round Table via this link. 11am EST/ 4pm GMT/ 5pm CET
Digging into Due Diligence: Applying Lessons Learned in the Complex Cotton Supply Chain
This session will cover the value of implementing due diligence within complex cotton supply chains, with a focus on empowering gatekeepers in the hard to reach-and all important-middle of the chain. Attendees will leave this session with a clear understanding of how effective due diligence management systems designed to identify and address forced labor in […]
The Microfibre Consortium – Enquiries Webinar (Brands & Retailers)
Is your company one of the growing numbers of brands & retailers wanting to take action on fibre fragmentation? Or perhaps you wish to learn more about the issue, and how becoming a Signatory to TMC's Microfibre 2030 Commitment can open up a global network of collaborative research opportunities? ​ If so, then save the […]
Webinar: The Future of Clothing Made from Recycled Materials
The Future of Clothing Made from Recycled Materials REGISTER NOW! Hosted by the United States Fashion Industry Association (USFIA) Dr. Sheng Lu, Associate Professor in the Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies at the University of Delaware, and Ally Botwinick will present the findings from their recent study exploring US retailers' merchandising strategy for clothing […]
Webinar: Exploring the Textile Exchange Regenerative Agriculture Landscape Analysis Report (2)
To Participate-be sure to Register Here! Part 2 from February 15th webinar - With regenerative agriculture fast gaining momentum in the fashion and textile industry, brands don't have the luxury of a one-size-fits-all set of practices or solutions to implement. The concept is nuanced, so how can they make concrete investments in regenerative projects? Textile […]