We bring the industry together all year round.
Throughout the year, we bring the industry together through our webinars, round tables, and other events. We also host our own annual Textile Exchange Conference, where we give an overview of the fashion and textile industry's progress towards a more climate-friendly future.
2022 WM Sustainability Forum
You're Invited to Our Virtual Event Together, We Can Make a Difference Feb 9, 2022 9am - 12:30pm PT/ 11am - 2:30pm CST/ 12pm - 3:30pm ESTВ WM's event will feature compelling conversations around emerging technologies, social impact, circularity and more. Join us as we create a sustainable tomorrow.
Webinar: Exploring the Textile Exchange Regenerative Agriculture Landscape Analysis Report
To Participate-be sure to Register Here! With regenerative agriculture fast gaining momentum in the fashion and textile industry, brands don't have the luxury of a one-size-fits-all set of practices or solutions to implement. The concept is nuanced, so how can they make concrete investments in regenerative projects? Textile Exchange's latest report, the Regenerative Agriculture Landscape […]
Recycled Polyester Round Table Monthly Meeting
To request an invite, please register to join the Recycled Polyester Round Table via this link. 11am EST/ 4pm GMT/ 5pm CET
Digging into Due Diligence: Applying Lessons Learned in the Complex Cotton Supply Chain
This session will cover the value of implementing due diligence within complex cotton supply chains, with a focus on empowering gatekeepers in the hard to reach-and all important-middle of the chain. Attendees will leave this session with a clear understanding of how effective due diligence management systems designed to identify and address forced labor in […]
The Microfibre Consortium – Enquiries Webinar (Brands & Retailers)
Is your company one of the growing numbers of brands & retailers wanting to take action on fibre fragmentation? Or perhaps you wish to learn more about the issue, and how becoming a Signatory to TMC's Microfibre 2030 Commitment can open up a global network of collaborative research opportunities? ​ If so, then save the […]
Webinar: The Future of Clothing Made from Recycled Materials
The Future of Clothing Made from Recycled Materials REGISTER NOW! Hosted by the United States Fashion Industry Association (USFIA) Dr. Sheng Lu, Associate Professor in the Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies at the University of Delaware, and Ally Botwinick will present the findings from their recent study exploring US retailers' merchandising strategy for clothing […]
Webinar: Exploring the Textile Exchange Regenerative Agriculture Landscape Analysis Report (2)
To Participate-be sure to Register Here! Part 2 from February 15th webinar - With regenerative agriculture fast gaining momentum in the fashion and textile industry, brands don't have the luxury of a one-size-fits-all set of practices or solutions to implement. The concept is nuanced, so how can they make concrete investments in regenerative projects? Textile […]
202030 – The Berlin Fashion Summit
202030 - The Berlin Fashion Summit is a cross-disciplinary platform, where avant-garde creatives meet industry stakeholders for constructive critical debates on the future of fashion. The aim is to bridge the gap between existing sustainability innovations and solutions with the industry's need for pragmatic transformation guidelines and to envision tangible new alliances for new value […]
Recycled Polyester Round Table Monthly Meeting
To request an invite, please register to join the Recycled Polyester Round Table via this link. 11am EST/ 4pm GMT/ 5pm CET
Evolving Textiles Conference Materializing the Future
We have gathered some of the most knowledgeable and compelling change-makers in the sector in order to facilitate a conference with impact. We all know and have attended that conference that feels like preaching to the choir with no actionable change to accompany it. The purpose of Evolving Textiles is to define the current landscape […]
Sustainable Materials for the Fashion Industry: Trends & Insights (SUS)
Did you know that the materials choices you make as a consumer and as a business have a large part to play in the environmental impact for the fashion industry? As consumer preferences and the conscious choices they make continue to constantly shift, how can businesses keep up with their needs in this day and […]
Biosynthetics Full Round Table – Q1 Meeting
To request an invite, please register to the Biosynthetics Round TableВ via this link. 12pm EDT/ 4pm GMT/ 5pm CET
The Material Innovation Conference
The Material Innovation Conference aims to advance the next-gen materials industry by providing vital expertise and bringing together all key players along the innovation path from concept to commercialization. ​To support the growth of the market for next-gen materials, and to accelerate the development & adoption of these next-gen materials, we are launching the inaugural […]
Webinar: Brand Certification and Trackit
Hi Team: This webinar will be presented by Evonne and Callie. To Participate-be sure to Register Here! With the recent changes to the CCS3.0 and the future launch of Trackit, Callie and Evonne will give an overview of the systems and address the interconnectedness of both. This webinar is for brands who are interested and/or […]
Recycled Polyester Round Table Monthly Meeting
To request an invite, please register to join the Recycled Polyester Round Table via this link. 11am EST/ 4pm GMT/ 5pm CET
Members-Only Webinar: Policy Hub Updates
This webinar will be presented by Beth in collaboration with the Policy Hub. To Participate- members look out for a link sent to your email. If you are not a member and would like information please email membership@textileexchange.org The Policy Hub unites the apparel industry to contribute to EU policy development processes and decisions. Textile […]
Sustainable Apparel and Textiles Conference
This virtual three-day business conference will address how brands can adapt practices to move towards regenerative apparel and deliver on growing stakeholder expectations. We'll equip delegates with the best-practice and guidance to develop net-zero strategies, transform supply chains, engage consumers, scale circularity, and drive positive social impacts. Social impact How to tackle the challenges in […]
Webinar: Navigating 2021 Company Scorecards – for Material Change Index (MCI) Participants
This webinar will be presented by the CFMB team. To Participate-be sure to Register Here! The Corporate Benchmark Team invites all 2021 Material Change Index (MCI) participants to a webinar on - How to Navigate Company Scorecards. Due to increased interest and requests from participating companies, in this webinar, we would like to take you […]
Webinar: Impacts and Impact data: Looking into Animal Welfare
This webinar will be presented by: Anna Heaton, Fiber and Materials Strategy Lead: Animal Materials,В Textile Exchange Professor Mateus Paranhos Charton Locks, Produzindo Certo To Participate-be sure to Register Here! After last year's successful Leather Learning Webinar Series on traceability in the bovine leather supply chain, the Responsible Leather Round Table has planned another Leather […]
Women Leading Regeneration
In its fourth year, the Women Leading Regeneration Online Summit is centering feminine leadership as a key to planetary health. As a 100% female-led team, it is Regenerative Rising's honor to gather women leaders from around the world for a highly engaging 2-day online summit focused on elevating, nurturing, and resourcing the capacity of feminine […]